In 2017, Hasbro Studios released two series of animated shorts that are tied in with Hasbro's My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, an anthropomorphic spin-off of the 2010 re-launch of My Little Pony. One, Canterlot Shorts, was produced by Boulder Media in the Republic of Ireland, and the other, a series of music videos, was produced by DHX Media in Canada. Discovery Family bills the two series together as Summertime Shorts.
Video My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (2017 animated shorts)
Main cast
- Tara Strong as Twilight Sparkle
- Rebecca Shoichet as Twilight Sparkle's singing voice
- Ashleigh Ball as Applejack and Rainbow Dash
- Andrea Libman as Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie
- Shannon Chan-Kent as Pinkie Pie's singing voice
- Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity
- Kazumi Evans as Rarity's singing voice
- Rebecca Shoichet as Sunset Shimmer
Supporting cast
- Tabitha St. Germain as Photo Finish and Granny Smith
- Michelle Creber as Apple Bloom
- Madeleine Peters as Scootaloo
- Nicole Oliver as Principal Celestia and Miss Cheerilee
- Claire Corlett as Sweetie Belle
Maps My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (2017 animated shorts)
Canterlot Shorts
Although the title card for this series has nothing but an Equestria Girls logo, the shorts are referred by Hasbro as Canterlot Shorts. These shorts were written by Gillian M. Berrow (who wrote the novelization of first Equestria Girls film, and most of Friendship Is Magic novels), and were produced by Boulder Media in the Republic of Ireland (which Hasbro Studios acquired in 2016).
Music videos
These music videos were produced by DHX Media's 2D animation studio located in Vancouver, Canada, which have produced Equestria Girls animated films and specials.
In the United States, the shorts were shown on Discovery Family (a joint venture between Discovery Communications and Hasbro) as a part of "Summer Splash" seasonal event, where they are collectively known as Summertime Shorts. Internationally, Hasbro has been releasing each short every Friday since August 11, 2017 via their official YouTube channel in multiple languages, starting with "Mad Twience".
Source of article : Wikipedia