The eighth series of British drama series Bad Girls premiered on ITV on 13 July 2006. This, the final series, consists of eleven episodes which concluded with a Christmas special on 20 December 2006.
Series Eight introduces Amanda Donohoe (Lou Stoke), Sid Owen (Donny Kimber), Colin Salmon (Rowan Dunlop) and Angela Bruce (Mandy Goodhue). James Gaddas appears for the final time as Neil Grayling in the first episode in a guest appearance.
This series does not follow the previous series and commences with new storylines leaving several unresolved answers as to the fate of Di Barker, who was accused of the murder of Jim Fenner, and Arun Parmer, who was to serve a three-year sentence at Larkhall. Initially, the story was to be set three years following the previous series. However, this is not evident. Although, it may explain why Arun is not present as she may have completed her sentence.
Video Bad Girls (series 8)
Guest cast
Special guest:
- James Gaddas - Neil Grayling (episode 1)
Recurring cast:
Guest cast:
Maps Bad Girls (series 8)
Awards nominations
- Nominated: National Television Award for Most Popular Drama
Home Media
United Kingdom
- "Series Eight" - 26 December 2006 (3-DVD set distributed by 2 Entertain)
- As part of "Series Five to Eight" (14-DVD set distributed by 2 Entertain)
- "The Complete Series Eight" re-release - 2 April 2012 (3-DVD set distributed by Acorn Media)
- As part of "The Complete Collection" - 2 July 2012 (28-DVD set distributed by Acorn Media)
- "Series Eight" - 1 September 2007 (3-DVD set distributed by Shock Records)
- As part of "The Complete Collection" - 10 November 2010 (32-DVD set distributed by Shock Records)
- "Series Eight" re-release (individual from "The Complete Collection") - 1 June 2011 (3-DVD set distributed by Shock Records)
External links
- Bad Girls on IMDb
- Bad Girls Season 8 at the Internet Movie Database
Source of article : Wikipedia