Brown Girls is an American comedy web series created by Fatimah Asghar and Sam Bailey. It follows two friends, Leila and Patricia, who pursue their dreams in Chicago.
Video Brown Girls
Two women of color Leila and Patricia, a queer Pakistani-American writer and an African-American musician, lean on each other to get through the difficulties of their mid-twenties.
Maps Brown Girls
Development and production
Directed by Sam Bailey and written by Fatimah Asghar, the series was inspired by Asghar's 10-year-long friendship with singer Jamila Woods. Scripting began in fall of 2015 and Bailey joined the project after a public reading in early 2016. Founder of Open TV Aymar Jean Christian added the project to the web platform's slate. Filming took place in Chicago's Pilsen neighborhood.
The series debuted on in February 2017. It attracted immediate attention from HBO, Comedy Central and TBS. HBO put the series into development in June 2017. The series was nominated for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Short Form Comedy or Drama Series.
External links
- Official website
Source of article : Wikipedia